What is Taiwanology? - 臺灣學是什麼?

          (The view from Mt. Hehuan, in Taiwan's central mountains. Photo Credit: K.H.)

Living in Taiwan for six years, even the most mundane of experiences have proven to be adventures. From picking dinners at random from menus I don't understand, to rushing into a bathroom stall only to find out it's a squat toilet, most days there is at least one memorable moment, and sometimes those moments coalesce to become stories. Through Taiwanology, I attempt to share some of those stories through creative nonfiction narratives, to give you an imperfect glimpse of Taiwan and what makes it special.

In this blog you'll see Taiwan through my near-sighted eyes. You'll see what I love about Taiwan, and what breaks my heart about Taiwan. You'll see me make awkward mistakes, struggle to make sense of my experiences, and sometimes stumble upon profundity.

But in the end, I hope you'll see that Taiwan is a beautiful country, and that it deserves so much more than it gets. Taiwan needs visibility, and allies. There is so much to care for and worry about in our very flawed world, but, after reading Taiwanology, I hope you will find a little room in your heart to care about Taiwan, too.

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